Alternative Film Festival

The ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival is one of the oldest film festivals from this region with specific goal of supporting and promoting cinematography and fresh filmmaking talent. The event started off in 1993 with the title Fate and Imagination, having as goal to present Hungarian films of the last 50 years. In 1994 the festival enlarged its topic and became the ALTER-NATIVE International Short Film Festival.

The program supports individual alternatives to the mass products of the media market, presenting various less-known styles and unique viewpoints, discovering independent self-expressions in film. ALTER-NATIVE inherently considers radically different genres and thoughts of film both valid and authentic. The directors of the film selected for the competition will be invited to the festival.

Short Film Breaks

Short Film Breaks is the only film festival taking place within public, non-profit and for-profit organizations.

Created by filmmakers and human resources people, Short Film Breaks had its mission statement, from the start, to create a bridge between hard to distribute films (especially independent short films) and hard to reach audiences (employees and beneficiaries from our partner companies and NGOs and people living in remote villages around the world).

Bistrita Romania International Film Festival

The Bistrita Romania International Film Festival is an independent movie event organized by The Actors Caravan and their partners. The second edition happened atTeleky Castle, and we were thrilled to have a big audience. In an atmosphere that felt like a film set, people enjoyed watching 32 short films from around the world.

In a world dealing with challenges on political, economic, climate, cultural, and spiritual fronts, our goal is to create a safe space for both artists and the audience. A place where love for art takes center stage. If you’re a talented artist, filmmaker, editor, producer, writer, or director, we want you to be part of it! We’re on the lookout for artists who are making fresh content in a wide range of movie styles.